2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO __main__ 253: CONFIG [Paths] tm_archive = /data/stix/SOLSOC/from_edds/tm/processing fits_archive = /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0 spice_kernels = /data/stix/spice/kernels soop_files = /data/stix/SOLSOC/from_soc [Logging] stop_on_error = False [IDLBridge] enabled = True gsw_path = /opt/STIX-GSW batchsize = 30 [Pipeline] status_server_port = 12388 parallel_batchsize_l0 = 100 parallel_batchsize_l1 = 100 parallel_batchsize_l2 = 100 log_level = INFO log_dir = /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/logging error_mail_send = True error_mail_receivers = nicky.hochmuth@ateleris.ch, shane.maloney@tcd.ie error_mail_smpt_host = lmailer.fhnw.ch error_mail_smpt_port = 25 error_mail_sender = nicky.hochmuth@fhnw.ch start_with_unprocessed = False [Publish] db_file = /home/stixcore/soar_pub/published.sqlite include_levels = L0, L1 waiting_period = 21d target_dir = /home/solsoc/to_soc report_mail_receivers = nicky.hochmuth@ateleris.ch, shane.maloney@tcd.ie report_mail_send = True same_esa_name_dir = /data/stix/out/esa_conflicts rid_lut_file = ./stixcore/data/publish/rid_lut.csv rid_lut_file_update_url = https://datacenter.stix.i4ds.net/api/bsd/info/ batch_size = 20000 fits_dir = /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0 target_host = pub026.cs.technik.fhnw.ch supplement_report = /home/stixcore/soar_pub/supplement_report.csv include_products = ql,hk,sci,cal log_dir = /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/logging [SOOP] endpoint = https://solarorbiter.esac.esa.int/soopkitchen/api user = smaloney password = xxxx soop_files_download = ./stixcore/data/soop 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO __main__ 270: SINGLETONS SOOPManager: /data/stix/SOLSOC/from_soc SPICE: /data/stix/spice/kernels/mk/solo_ANC_soc-flown-mk_V110_20230522_001.tm IDBManager: /home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb Versions: [{'label': '2.26.36', 'path': '/home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.36', 'version': ['2', '26', '36']}, {'label': '2.26.32', 'path': '/home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.32', 'version': ['2', '26', '32']}, {'label': '2.26.34', 'path': '/home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.34', 'version': ['2', '26', '34']}, {'label': '2.26.33', 'path': '/home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.33', 'version': ['2', '26', '33']}, {'label': '2.26.31', 'path': '/home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.31', 'version': ['2', '26', '31']}, {'label': '2.26.35', 'path': '/home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.35', 'version': ['2', '26', '35']}] Force version: None History: IntervalTree([Interval(0.0, 640198039.0, '2.26.32'), Interval(640198039.0, 640265396.0, '2.26.31'), Interval(640265396.0, 642159993.0, '2.26.32'), Interval(642159993.0, 643123725.0, '2.26.33'), Interval(643123725.0, 677774249.0, '2.26.34'), Interval(677774249.0, 692380776.0, '2.26.35'), Interval(692380776.0, 4294967295.0, '2.26.36')]) 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO stixcore.processing.TMTCtoLB 30: Processing file: SOCPacketFile('/data/stix/SOLSOC/from_edds/tm/processing/STIX_TM_04PM_BatchRequest.PktTmRaw.SOL.0.2023.') 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO stixcore.io.fits.processors 404: Fits file solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2303293059-50265.fits exists appending data 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO stixcore.io.fits.processors 435: Writing fits file to /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/LB/21/6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2303293059-50265.fits 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO stixcore.io.fits.processors 435: Writing fits file to /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/LB/21/6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2303290638-50266.fits 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO __main__ 207: generated LB files: {PosixPath('/data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/LB/21/6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2303290638-50266.fits'), PosixPath('/data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/LB/21/6/21/solo_LB_stix-21-6-21_0000000000-9999999999_V01_2303293059-50265.fits')} 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO stixcore.idb.idb 522: IDB loaded from /home/stixcore/STIXCore/stixcore/data/idb/v2.26.36/idb.sqlite 2023-05-22T18:38:21Z INFO stixcore.ephemeris.manager 160: LOADING NEW META KERNEL: /data/stix/spice/kernels/mk/solo_ANC_soc-flown-mk_V110_20230522_001.tm 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z WARNING stixcore.products.levelb.binary 318: Incomplete sequence sequence_count sequence_flag scet_coarse -------------- ------------- ----------- 12015 1 737868397 12016 0 737868403 12017 0 737868404 12018 0 737868404 12019 0 737868405 12020 0 737868406 12021 0 737868406 12022 0 737868407 12023 0 737868408 12024 0 737868408 12025 0 737868409 12026 0 737868410 12027 0 737868410 12028 0 737868411 12029 0 737868412 12030 0 737868413 12031 0 737868413 12032 0 737868414 12033 0 737868414 12034 0 737868415 12035 0 737868416 12036 0 737868417 12037 0 737868417 12038 0 737868418 12039 0 737868418 12040 0 737868419 12041 0 737868419 12042 0 737868420 12043 0 737868421 12044 0 737868422 12045 0 737868422 12046 0 737868423 12047 0 737868424 12048 0 737868430 12049 0 737868431 12050 0 737868431 12051 0 737868432 12052 0 737868433 12053 0 737868434 12054 0 737868434 12055 0 737868435 12056 0 737868436 12057 0 737868436 12058 0 737868437 12059 0 737868437 12060 0 737868438 12061 0 737868439 12062 0 737868439 12063 0 737868440 12064 0 737868441 12065 0 737868441 12066 0 737868442 12067 0 737868442 12068 0 737868442 12069 0 737868443 12070 0 737868444 12071 0 737868444 12072 0 737868445 12073 0 737868445 12074 0 737868446 12075 0 737868446 12076 0 737868446 12077 0 737868447 12078 0 737868447 12079 0 737868448 12080 0 737868449 12081 0 737868449 12082 0 737868450 12083 0 737868450 12084 0 737868451 12085 0 737868451 12086 0 737868452 12087 0 737868453 12088 0 737868453 12089 0 737868453 12090 0 737868454 12091 0 737868454 12092 0 737868455 12093 0 737868455 12094 0 737868456 12095 0 737868457 12096 0 737868457 12097 0 737868457 12098 0 737868458 12099 0 737868458 12100 0 737868459 12101 0 737868459 12102 0 737868460 12103 0 737868461 12104 0 737868461 12105 0 737868462 12106 0 737868462 12107 0 737868462 12108 0 737868463 12109 0 737868463 12110 0 737868464 12111 0 737868465 12112 0 737868471 12113 0 737868472 12114 0 737868473 12115 0 737868473 12116 0 737868474 12117 0 737868474 12118 0 737868474 12119 0 737868475 12120 0 737868475 12121 0 737868476 12122 0 737868477 12123 0 737868477 12124 0 737868478 12125 0 737868478 12126 0 737868478 12127 0 737868479 12128 0 737868479 12129 0 737868480 12130 0 737868481 12131 0 737868481 12132 0 737868482 12133 0 737868482 12134 0 737868482 12135 0 737868483 12136 0 737868483 12137 0 737868484 12138 0 737868485 12139 0 737868485 12140 0 737868486 12141 0 737868486 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z INFO __main__ 211: generated L0 files: [PosixPath('/data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/L0/21/6/21/solo_L0_stix-sci-xray-cpd_0733429980-0733430360_V01_2303293059-50265.fits')] 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z INFO stixcore.ephemeris.manager 160: LOADING NEW META KERNEL: /data/stix/spice/kernels/mk/solo_ANC_soc-flown-mk_V110_20230522_001.tm 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z INFO stixcore.processing.L0toL1 89: processing file: /data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/L0/21/6/21/solo_L0_stix-sci-xray-cpd_0733429980-0733430360_V01_2303293059-50265.fits 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z INFO stixcore.soop.manager 484: Soop found: SOOP 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z INFO __main__ 215: generated L1 files: [PosixPath('/data/stix/out/fits_v1.0.0/L1/2023/03/29/SCI/solo_L1_stix-sci-xray-cpd_20230329T183547-20230329T184208_V01_2303293059-50265.fits')] 2023-05-22T18:38:23Z INFO stixcore.ephemeris.manager 160: LOADING NEW META KERNEL: /data/stix/spice/kernels/mk/solo_ANC_soc-flown-mk_V110_20230522_001.tm 2023-05-22T18:38:24Z WARNING stixcore.processing.L1toL2 95: No L2 product match for product